Repeated offenders might end up temporarily, and subsequently permanently banned.
- Posting any adult content states that you are at least 18 years old.
- Use standard English including capitalization and punctuation, to the best of your ability. An exception to this rule is the Brazilian section where Portuguese/Spanish is accepted.
- No hate speech, being toxic or unnecessary rude against others.
- Intentionally reposting content that already exists on the forum for the purpose of like farming.
- No farming ("you want to see more? leave some likes")
- No screenshots/gifs of videos already posted in the thread
- No spamming (begging, bumping, "anything new", "Thank you!" or off-topic posts etc.)
- No attempting to bypass the spam or censor filter.
- No Trading, or buying/selling content.
- Pools/Funds are not allowed in threads of any kind, but are tolerated if done through DM's. (We take no responsibility for users being scammed)
- No fakes, deepfakes, or photoshoped images outside the Fakes / Deepfakes category.
- No advertising third-party sites. This includes Discord servers, Telegram channels and other unapproved sites that are, in any way, shape or form, similar to SimpCity. This rule also applies to any links put in the title, description and similar or in a file attached in the link shared on the forum.
- Posts with low quality content (screenshots, screen recordings, compressed files etc.) will be removed when higher quality (source quality) versions of the files have been posted. Upscaled content does not count as higher quality and is considered reposting.
- File hosts that earn the uploader money are forbidden.
- CamRecs claims no responsibility in the content you post or interact with, which you agreed at in the ToS.
- Moderators are allowed to delete content, merge threads, edit posts and any other actions that prevent spam and benefit the end user. Moderators do not have to provide a reason via notification when doing so.
Repeated offenders might end up temporarily, and subsequently permanently banned.